
About Testntools



Well, a few years ago now (2003) I was looking for some digital vernier calipers that I figured would be very handy for making my potato guns. After a lot of driving around Auckland I found some at a trade shop but they were 'a bit expensive' so I decided to have a look online. That quest was nearly as fruitless which surprised me, I didn't think it would be that difficult.

Anyway I managed to find some at an online tool supply store in Christchurch but their feature description was skimpy to say the least, and no product photo meant my buying decision relied on a bit of luck. The calipers that arrived were not quite what I would have bought had I seen them first, but then I wasn't exactly spoiled for choice! But hey, what could the supplier have done better on their website? Put a photo and proper description? Now there's an idea…

So, my experience got me thinking that if it was such a drama for me to find tools online then it would be for others too. Then I made the big decision to buy a carton of digital calipers, and try my luck selling them on TradeMe.

After a bit of searching I found a manufacturer and imported 40 units. It wasn't long before I was out of stock! So with the demand there I imported more of the same calipers, and other sizes that people were asking for. As well as tools I started importing a variety of items that I was interested in and felt others would be too. I used to trade as 'ComityCreations' because there was also an intention to start producing items with a creative angle such as printed T-shirts and photos on canvas boards.

But my love (and that of my customers) of tools and useful devices has since driven the business in that direction, to the point that Testntools is now a much better name to describe the business. The name is derived from 'test and measurement' and 'tools', hence 'Testntools', easy eh!

The range has increased to what you see now on the website, and it's growing all the time as we get ideas from you, our customer. We focus on tools, equipment and devices that you won't easily find anywhere else including the mega hardware stores where you can buy anything and everything (yet the staff know nothing!). Many of our wares could be considered specialist, some items you may never have seen before because you don't know what you don't know!

And you're probably wondering about the potato guns, not exactly 'core business' you might say. Well yes, quite right but every man needs a hobby to get him out of the office. It's nice too, to have a product that is a little unusual that sparks the interest from a lot of people wanting to know all about them.



Our philosophy is simple, we are in the business of delivering practical products through great service. We aim to keep our customers happy to ensure you come back for more.

We serve our individual and business customers throughout New Zealand (and other countries) who value our fast & efficient service. We also offer support for our products, if there's something you'd like to know just ask.

If you like what we’ve done for you tell your friends. If we fell short of your expectations tell us!

We invite you to browse through our product selection. Welcome and happy shopping.



Grant Bourne

Testntools Limited